Monday, February 25, 2008

King The Great... Artist!

Last year, King did a beautiful abstract piece for Paws For Love, a local charity event that raises money for shelters by auctioning off artwork done by animals, as well as fantastic prizes donated by community animal lovers. We were very proud of how great King did while he was painting (especially since it was his first major outing!)

It didn't take long to find his art at the gala, as everyone was ooh'ing & ah'ing about how his was clearly the best! (Just teasing) Here's he masterpiece, Fervent Brass, & and little bio they posted about him...

Incredible right?! And he was only four months old at the time!

The whole thing wiped him out that day too...

In case you're interested in learning more about Paws For Love, click here...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Collar, Lead & Tag!

We just got King a Red Dingo tag & a super fancy collar & just love it! They're on the expensive side, but they're so durable it's worth it!

Here's the link to Red Dingo for the tags -

& if you're interested in the collar (& matching lead), they're awesome too. They're made the same way they do bridle leathers so they'll last forever. You can choose the emblems that go on them too! They don't do direct online ordering, but they have a page so you can find a dealer near you. Here's a links to their products:

This is an action shot I caught last week at our local Great Dane Meetup & shows the collar & Red Dingo Tag fairly well!

On the way back he got a tad tired of me taking his picture!

King & I near Annadel... (1/17/08)

Just a couple of shots of the King & I from last Sunday:

Point Isabel: A Dog Heaven On Earth (1/15/08)

This weekend King got to go to the ultimate dog park. Seriously - It's the best in North America! We took the hour drive over the bay to check out the place the Great Dane Meet Up Group will be visiting next weekend cause we wanted to see the place & how the little King would react to it. I had no idea what we were getting into! We could have spent the whole day there! It's very easy to get to & once you're out of the parking area, it's completely off leash. There were hundreds of dogs there, but it's on 23 acres so it wasn't crowded. The dogs can run free along a path, in tree lined grassy knolls, or even take a dip right in the bay! (That's where all the silly labs were even though it was pretty cold out!) Anyway, here's some pics of King having a grand time running around, making new bestest friends, & then eventually posing for some cute pics with Mommy.

Look for new pics next week after King meets up with about 30 Great Danes!

Pics of the puppy King... (1/8/08)

My friend Sofia's dog Niobe is ill right now in Washington with Parvo. While keeping them in my prayers, here's some current pics of the (thankfully) healthy bouncy baby boy...

King already outgrowing his couch:

King playing with his toy (He LOVES stuffed animals, the bigger the better!):

King outside & dying for someone to come play ball with him:

King posing with Santa, who he kinda wanted to eat cause he's dressed in a fur suit (not unlike all his favorite toys!):

King under the Christmas tree lights:

My roommate Kenny getting King to do some tricks:

Alyssa taking King for a spin on her birthday:

More pics soon I promise - I'm getting the New Years Disneyland pics all sorted through...

Graduation Day! (12/10/07)

King graduated from intermediate Puppy School Saturday! It's the 2nd of 4 classes he'll hopefully be mastering & this one was much more intense than beginning puppy. But it also had an agility element to it too so he thought that was pretty fun! He loves going through the tunnel!

The hula hoop he's supposed to jump through was too small for him so they found a big tubey-tire thing for him instead:

Then there's a slalom type pole set up that he gets to step through. He does it fine, actually kinda of strangely. He steps over each pole on the ground like he's a horse going through a minefield! It looks so silly - but totally cute!

Here he is all ready for his graduation pics, & bored, bored, bored now that we wouldn't let him go play more!

So very proud!

Kissin' Cousins... (12/4/07)

King's cousin Maggie is visiting with us for a few weeks & she couldn't possibly be any cuter without actually being King!

For the most part, King is oblivious of her...

...unless she moves at all-then it's play time for them both! They do get along fairly well though, except there seems to be some confusion as to who exactly the loveseat belongs to.

Oh & did I mention that Tigger is totally ticked off?

Decorating for Christmas has been rather interesting this year!

Picture Time (9/27/07)

We recently had our pictures taken by an actual professional so I thought I'd share...

Enjoy! {Click the pics to biggify}

Pics From The Marin Pet Expo This Weekend... (9/13/07)

King got to go on his first outing in an attempt to socialize him with all kinds of dogs this weekend. The Marin Pet Expo at the Marin Center in San Rafael was crowded with tons of dogs & their people, plus 44 agencies all collaborating for a huge Adopt-A-Thon! Over 175 animals were successfully adopted over the weekend!

Even with all the different types & breeds everyone had out, King was surely the star of the show! So many people we literally tripping over themselves just to meet him that we didn't get much of a chance to look around or enter any of the contests. Plus we spent half the time looking for sunblock cause I was a terrible mommy & forgot to bring some for his adorable lil pink nose!

It was a great day for him though. King was a trooper til the sun took it's toll & he passed out for a nap. He even painted his own pictures for a Non-Profit company called Paws For Love for a fund raising art auction to be held in February. They loved the heart on his coat so much their photographer took pics of him to be their new spokes puppy! I'm sure I'll post more on his success as an artiste soon!

Anyhow, here's a cute shot of him all ready to get the day started:

& this is us out on the pond pier at the Marin Center:

Then we met new friends:

This is Fiaan, he's a gorgeous harlequin dane who's also just a puppy:

His daddy let me take a pic with him & I had a bit of trouble controlling him - & he's only 8 months old & 120lbs! That'll be King in another 3 1/2 months!

Poor Puppy (8/24/07)

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but my new puppy, King, had an accident & he's pretty big sick right now. Plus I'm absolutely exhausted from taking care of him & stressing about it so much.

Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers that he'll be better soon. Thanks - A

UPDATE!!! The Puppy King is feeling much, much better now! Thank you for all your kind thoughts & calls about him! Now just how to keep him semi still while he heals...